Dare to be Different outdoor makes it easy to explore the outdoors. Experience more spontaneous adventures in 2023, without having to compromise on comfort or weight. Turn your car easly and quickly in a home on wheels with our rooftoptents an experience the outdoor life!
Enjoy nature through experience
Featured products

What makes our products different
Our outdoor gear is made to endure the toughest weather conditions. Why? Because it's where we take them. Our rooftoptents are unique in their water resistance, durability and innovative technical details. This is how we guarantee the best outdoor life experience. We believe in a product that will last a lifetime just like the memories you make with it!
The right gear for you

It’s more than a rooftop tent, it's a lifestyle
We love living in nature, the "outdoor life" as we like to call it. Outdoor life is exciting, athletic, adventurous and healthy. Living outdoors is good for us. Not having to do anything anymore, but being allowed to do everything that is the outdoor life. No daily grind or standards, all that matters is enjoying the time that passes in nature. That's what it's all about for us.
Ready to camp!
Pull up, pop-up, and camp with Dare to be Different. The outdoors is at your feet with our rooftoptents. Make memories, that last a lifetime!